Saturday, December 30, 2006


I got my Yarn today. I'm so excited. We had a small winter storm today, a lot of snow!! Because I work retail I went in later to work, there was no sense having 4 e-employees when there were no customers. We had les then 9 customers an hour, it was really slow. So I'm sitting at home waiting to go into work, when I hear the screen door slam, I know it isn't my upstairs neighbor, I can hear his music and him yelling, so I know it must be the mailman. I was right, there sitting on the porch was a lovely box from Lisa Souza.

I'm almost done winding the first ball when I have to go into work, so I m excited state I brought the yarn to work. I don't work with any crafters, so I know they won't be too excited, but I had to tell someone! They give me the normal "that's pretty, your so weird" They don't understand how exciting yarn can really be. Only one girl was close to understanding, I'm slowly wearing her down to learn to knit.

Work went by slow, but it was only 4 1/2 hours so not that bad. I managed to get stuck only once driving home, our very lovely city did not do any snow plowing today, why, when we only got at least 6 inches of snow, and nobody can drive. Reminding me why I’m moving Texas. Luckily I don't work tomorrow, so plans are to finish winding my yarn, and knit up a couple gauge swatches.

I finished my baby sock, was so proud of myself. I'm going to try a toe up sock now. I'm going to do both at the same time and toe-up so I can just make it as long as I can until I run out of yarn. This aught to be interesting, I’m using the universal toe-up pattern from knitty. The reason is my feet are size 11, just a little big, and with this pattern I can make socks that big! At least until I can become better at patterns and knitting to adjust the other fun patterns to my size. Mandy at work (The one I'm trying to talk into learning) Says that if the socks are too small she'll take them. She actually really wanted hand knit socks, and I think she would appreciate them. She is pregnant, and when she finds out what sex the baby is going to be, I want to make a matching pair of socks. I have until she is due in June that might be enough time for me.

Well another long post, I'll cut this one off now. Hope it finds you well. Take care

On the needles: Gauge swatches
New to the Stash: My Lisa Souza came!!
In The Player: The Chronicles of Riddick, directors cut.

Thursday, December 14, 2006

Violet's Pink Ribbon

Wow, it's been a busy month. Unfortunately that busy has not included knitting.

I did manage to finish the "Ribbed for his pleasure" but haven't done a thing since. I froged my sock I was working on, thanks to my cat deciding it was a play toy. I started a baby sock, as I have little free time, I decided that a small sock was a great way for me to learn socks. I only have 4 rows done.

I've also joined my first Knit-A-Long. Violets Pink Ribbon. I've yet to find a pattern that I'm going to use, but as I just ordered the yarn, I have a while to decided. I joined this for my first Knit-a-long, due to the greatness of the community and the relaxation of using whatever pattern you like. I also have a huge history with Cancer in my family, my favorite aunt from my dads side that raised him just had her own Breast cancer scare, but she is doing great, then a couple aunts from my dad's birth side had bouts of cancer. This is definitely a Knit A Long I want to be a part of. Besides one look at the colorway Lisa Souza designed and I was hooked. I highly recommend everybody check out the yarn it is a gorgeous colorway and you also help with Violets "my insurance sucks" fund. I purchased the Supersport yarn, but it is also available in Sock! and Sock Merino. That ends this commercial break.

I have yet to open my sushi wallet kit, it is sitting pretty on my desk. No reason other then the fact I have been sick, still am, and no time for knitting. Well that's all for now, I'll try not to take a month off between posts again.

On the needles: Baby Socks
New to the Stash: Lisa Souza's Violets Pink Ribbon, Lisa Souza's Emerald City, Both Sport Weight.
In the Player: The Devil Wears Prada, then Boondock Saints.

Friday, November 17, 2006

New Stuff

Destined to be the type of person who doesn't not just work on one project I cast on a new project last night. I wanted a break from my sock, something easier. So I went through my binder of patterns I have printed from various internet sites, and I settled on the "Ribbed for his pleasure" Condom cozy. It was a shorter faster project and I could use some leftover yarn.

While knitting on my break, one of my girls asked me what i was making, I told her. To which she replys "I thought you dropped that one guy" I told her it was a wishfull thinking cozy. Inwardly I was thinking "thank you for reminding me of my complete lack of males in my life. So i'm happily knitting on my cozy thinking It would be great to hold my advil in. Then I unhappily go back to work.

Driving home I'm excited to get back to my knitting when there in my mailbox, a package! for me! From Scouts Swag. My sushi kit has arrived. *and of course my new tape measure to get lost with all the others my cats have hide.* As I write I'm staring at it, wanting to start it. No, i'm going to wait. really, I am. I'm going to finish my new pill cozy. See you all later.

Tuesday, November 14, 2006


As I listen to various podcasters, Lime & Violet, Brenda Dayne, I can help but feel jealous as I hear then wax poetic *nice phrase huh?* about there large stashes. I want a stash. When it's to cold for me to go out I want to be able to have a stash of yarn that I can grab from.

Now I know I'm a new knitter, and a good stash takes time to build up. My nonstash problems do not stem from the length of time I have been knitting, but it's stems from lack of good yarn.

Where I live *In a capital city no less* I have 3 stores to choose from when buying yarn. Wal-Mart *Hello Red Heart* Hobby Lobby *Hello Red Heart and Yarn Bee* and Ben Franklin. I had forgotten about Ben Franklin until last week, I was driving down 3rd street and thought BF, Maybe they have some decent yarn. I walked up and down and finely found the yarn area, two ailes. One with of course, Red Heart, and another with other yarn, I got a little excited, "Hey I might find decent yarn"

I spotted a yarn ban that said Alpaca, I got really excited, after hearing everyone talk about alpaca yarn. I looked at it. 85% alpaca 15% acrylic. Hmmm, even our specialty yarn here has acrylic in it. I know I will go back and buy some, it's the closest I'll come before I order online. but it's $9 and I would need 3 balls to just make a decent sized scarf (they are very small balls). Unfortunatly my bank account doesn't like that. I did spot 100% wool yarn, and I know I will buy that, just for the chance to knit something that's not acrylic.

Why don't I buy on-line you ask? With wonderful places like BlueMoon Fiber Arts, and Esty, and Lisa Souza, and many many more. I don't know. I guess it's because I am a new knitter, and therefore are not as confident in my skills. I don't want to buy this great yarn and having nothing to make with it, other then scarves.

Which brings me to my newest project. I started on a pair of jaywalkers. It has been interesting. I have never used DPN's or even needles that small. Since I have huge size 11 feet, I'm sure that these won't fit. But I'm doing the larger size with size 2 needles. The only fingering yarn I could find in this town is 100% cotton, so that would shrink anyway in the wash. But this is a good learning project, I'm on my 3rd row and seem to be getting a hang of using the needles. The cast on was hell, I had to cast and recast on about 6 times before I was able to actually knit, then I kept dropping the cast on stitches. But I will not be denied. I preregisered for the Socks that Rock club. So I have a deadline, I have to be able to knit a sock by then.

Since I couldn't talk myself into buying some yarn, I did purchase one of those sushi wallet kits. That is going to be my first foray into felting. If I can borrow my friends washer that is.

On the needles: Jaywalkers.
New to the Stash: Nothing *sniff sniff*
In the Player: Pixar's CARS

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Finishing and Teaching

Edit: Added pictures.

I started knitting about 2 years ago. Never seriously, I have started 2 scarves and a bag in the round but never finished. My first finished scarf was last week. I made one of those funfur type scarves. I bought 2 skeins of yarn, one silver and one black. I started the scarf on Oct 25th the day I got my tongue pierced. My friend drove me to the piercing, then after to Hobby Lobby. Because I wanted to try some bamboo needles. After having tried to talk my friend into learning for months, she finely agreed to let me teach her. So I picked up some yarn with my my needles (It was either fun fur or Red Heart... I went with fun fur) We then went to my place to pick up my Stitch 'n Bitch books then on to her place.

With a new tongue piercing, unable to talk real good, I started to teach my friend how to knit. How presumptuous of me, someone who has never even finished a project is teaching, I started on the scarf, using both colors together as one strand.

Halfway into the movie SAW II she asks me how to change colors. I told her to look in the book, using the excuse I couldn't talk. After a small bout of jealousy, about 10 seconds long, I was proud of my friend, even though after 2 hours she was father along then I was, changed colors and all.

I had taught my first knitter, I was so proud. I had taught my friend over the years a few crafts, now we can add one more to the list. She already warned me that I'm teaching her crochet next.

Back to my scarf, last tuesday, during an extremely good NCIS I finished my scarf, I was so proud, so happy. My first finished object, life is good. So what's next on the needles? Who knows, but I can't wait to find out.

On the needles: Nothing
New to the Stash: 100% Cotton Sinfonia
In the Player: What a Girl Wants, staring Amanda Bynes and Colin Firth.

My first completed scarf.